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Majorship LET Reviewer

LET Reviewer for Biological Science
LET Reviewer for Biological Science

51. Angiosperms are also known as
A. cone bearing
B. flower bearing
C. seed bearing
D. spore bearing

52. Tropical rainforests have many trees and other plants that photosynthesize. What happens when huge areas of tropical rain forests are destroyed?
A. Oxygen level increases and carbon dioxide level increases.
B. Oxygen level increases and carbon dioxide level decreases
C. Oxygen level decreases and carbon dioxide level increases
D. Oxygen level decreases and carbon dioxide level decreases

53. How is the conservation of mechanical energy described in a falling object?
A. A falling object loses kinetic energy and gains potential energy.
B. A falling object loses kinetic energy and loses potential energy.
C. A falling object gains kinetic energy and loses potential energy.
D. A falling object loses kinetic energy and loses potential energy.

54. Which property of light accounts for the phenomenon of color?
A. wavelength
B. amplitude
C. velocity
D. intensity

55. Nights are cooler when the sky is clear than when it is overcast. Why is this so?
A. The sun is hidden from us at night.
B. Cooler air can hold less water vapor.
C. Rain falls when water vapor condenses above freezing point.
D. Heat from the lower atmosphere easily escapes when there is no cloud cover.

56. In which rock layers are remains of aquatic organisms most commonly found?
A. Igneous
B. sedimentary
C. metamorphic
D. intrusive

57. Two air masses have the same relative humidity. Which of the following can also be said about them?
A. they have the same volume
B. they have the same temperature
C. both have rain clouds
D. none of them

58. Which of the following phrases best describes adaptation of organisms?
A. thick covering to conserve water
B. fast movements to escape its enemies
C. blending of color so that it cannot be easily seen by its enemies
D. structure or behavior of an organism to help it survive in its environment

59. At what stages in its life cycle is a butterfly most active?
A. egg and larva
B. pupa and adult
C. larva and adult
D. adult and egg

60. What type of solar radiation is effectively absorbed by the ozone layer of the earth's atmosphere?
A. infrared
B. ultraviolet
C. gamma
D. X – ray

61. We wear light clothes especially during summer because white
A. absorbs heat
B. disperses heat
C. reflects heat
D. refracts heat

62. Objects are visible because of the light they
A. reflect
B. absorb
C. diffuse
D. refract

63. It makes blue litmus paper turn red
A. salt
B. acid
C. base
D. water

64. Smelling a scent of perfume from a distance illustrates
A. cohesion
B. adhesion
C. diffusion
D. all of these

65. What is the weight of the man whose mass is 50 kg?
A. 50 N
B. 50 kg
C. 490 N
D. 490 N

65.Amphibians have adaptations that protect them from very cold and very warm temperatures. During the cold winter months they become inactive. They bury themselves in mud until the temperature warms up. What do you call the period of inactivity during winter?
A. hibernation
B. aestivation
C. incubation
D. adaptation

66. In a neutral atom, the number of protons is equal to the number of
A. electrons
B. neutrons
C. nucleons
D. all of these

67. The scientist who have said that an atom is mostly empty space with tiny positive core called the nucleus
A. Dalton
B. Thomson
C. Rutherford
D. Bohr

68. What process can efficiently separate alcohol from water?
A. distillation
B. decantation
C. filtration
D. chromatography

69. The constant temperature at which solid is changed in its liquid form
A. melting point
B. boiling point
C. dew point

70. Urine has a density of 1.02 g/mL. What is the volume of 25 g of urine?
A. 24.5 mL
B. 25.5 mL
C. 0.04 mL
D. 25.0 mL

71. Which of the following statements best describes a liquid?
A. It has definite shape
B. It has definite volume
C. It expands to fill its container
D. Its particles are tightly packed with each other

72. The movement of the solid part of the earth is called
A. diastrophism
B. faulting
C. earthquake
D. folding

73. The rocks that may have been formed from magma in volcanoes or from flowing lave are called
A. sedimentary rocks
B. metamorphic rocks
C. igneous rocks
D. minerals

74. The method of farming on the mountainsides to prevent erosion is called
A. crop rotation
B. contour farming
C. strip cropping
D. mountain farming

75. The process of breaking down rocks
A. erosion
B. volcanism
C. weathering
D. all of these

76. The upper part of lithosphere that contains various rock layers at different depths
A. crust
B. mantle
C. core
D. none of these

77. At night, the wind blows from the land to the sea. This is because the cool air over the land blows in to replace the warm air rising from the sea. This type of breeze is called
A. sea breeze
B. and breeze
C. both of them
D. none of them

78. The type of cloud the produces precipitation and is usually seen before it rains
A. cirrus
B. stratus
C. cumulus
D. nimbus

79. The condition of the atmosphere at any given time and place
A. weather
B. climate
C. season
D. none of them

80. It refers the actual amount of water vapor present in the atmosphere
A. relative humidity
B. absolute humidity
C. both of them

81. Which layer of the atmosphere contains the ozone layer
A. troposphere
B. mesosphere
C. stratosphere
D. thermosphere

82. Who advocated the idea that all things are made up of four elements of fire, air, earth, and water?
A. Newton
B. Galileo
C. Aristotle
D. Einstein

83. Which energy changes takes place in a flashlight with batteries?
A. chemical – electrical – light
B. electrical – light – chemical
C. light – chemical – electrical
D. chemical – light – electrical

84. How do solutions differ from compounds?
A. solutions are heterogeneous mixtures; compounds are homogeneous
B. solutions vary in composition; compound have definite composition
C. solutions have definite composition; compounds vary in composition
D. solutions are formed in chemical reactions; compound combine physically

85. Which part of the flower develops into seeds?
A. pistil
B. ovary
C. ovule
D. ovary wall

86. Copper is used for electrical wires because it is ductile. Which of the following describes ductility of metals?
A. the softness of metals
B. the hardness of metals
C. can be drawn into fine wires
D. can be hammered forming this sheets

87. Why does air temperature usually decrease toward the poles?
A. there is plenty of ice near the poles
B. air generally moves toward the equator
C. cold air near the poles prevent heating of the land
D. areas near the poles receive less solar energy per unit area

88. A material that does not transmit light that strikes its surface is known as
A. opaque
B. transparent
C. translucent

89. The mechanism of heat transfer that is only possible in liquids and gases is called
A. conduction
B. convection
C. radiation

90. What is the process of changing solid to gas without passing the liquid state?
A. condensation
B. evaporation
C. sublimation
D. freezing

91. Sound that is heard louder than the others has a greater
A. pitch
B. frequency
C. frequency
D. amplitude

92. Why are shadows formed?
A. light produces a dark area
B. light is dispersed in all direction
C. light travels in a straight line
D. light is scattered by a smooth surface

93. In a guitar, which string can produce a high pitch?
A. thin and long
B. thick and long
C. thin and short
D. thick and short

94. Which device can converts mechanical energy to electrical energy?
A. battery
B. generator
C. motor
D. photo voltaic cell

95. What is the force that opposes motion?
A. friction
B. tension
C. weight
D. normal force

96. Why are burns caused by steam more damaging than the one caused by boiling water?
A. Water has a higher temperature
B. Steam is a vapor of water molecules
C. Steam has more energy per kilogram
D. Steam is easily formed than boiling water

97. What happens when vapor condenses into a liquid?
A. It absorbs heat
B. It releases heat
C. its temperature increases
D. its temperature decreases

98. What do you call sound with frequency that is below 20 Hz?
A. supersonic
B. subsonic
C. infrasonic
D. ultrasonic

99. The separation of white light into colors of the spectrum is called
A. scattering
B. dispersion
C. reflection
D. refraction

100. Which among the following is a non – renewable energy resource?
A. wind energy
B. solar energy
C. fossil fuel
D. geothermal energy

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